Creation Care Council
Park View Mennonite Church (PVMC) established a Creation Care Council (CCC) in mid-2009 to provide focused attention to the environmental impact of the church community, with the aim of learning, distributing knowledge, and taking actions that would reduce harmful impacts on nature and the natural systems that sustain a rich and diverse life. This concern emanates from some of the deepest traditions of our faith that God has charged humankind to care for the earth and all living creatures, both in the present and the future. |
Recognizing that many of the actions and behaviors taken today by humans are degrading natural systems, causing harm to others now and reduced opportunity for future inhabitants of earth, the CCC has organized its work within the framework of the following five goals:
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- Reduce the carbon footprint of the PVMC community
- Reduce consumption from the PVMC community
- Share resources with each other, in community (see our new Sharing List!)
- Engage in more sustainable practices
- Provide information and education to the PVMC community
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