Children's Faith Formation
Children's Department
Age-appropriate materials by Mennonite Publishing Network are used for teaching Bible stories, encouraging the creativity of children, and developing friendships.
Ages 3-4 meet in room 4-5 for Bible stories and activities. Children from age 3 through Grade 5 meet immediately after the morning service downstairs for our Shine Time. This includes a Kids’ Café, where immediately following the service, we welcome you to your own time of snacks and fellowship downstairs in room 17. Sing Out, a chance to move our bodies and join our voices in song. Scripture Speaks where special guests present this week's Bible Story. And Activity Time with a craft or activity related to the Bible story, in two age-based groups. Grades K-2 in room 10, and grades 3-5 in room 8.
Age-appropriate materials by Mennonite Publishing Network are used for teaching Bible stories, encouraging the creativity of children, and developing friendships.
Ages 3-4 meet in room 4-5 for Bible stories and activities. Children from age 3 through Grade 5 meet immediately after the morning service downstairs for our Shine Time. This includes a Kids’ Café, where immediately following the service, we welcome you to your own time of snacks and fellowship downstairs in room 17. Sing Out, a chance to move our bodies and join our voices in song. Scripture Speaks where special guests present this week's Bible Story. And Activity Time with a craft or activity related to the Bible story, in two age-based groups. Grades K-2 in room 10, and grades 3-5 in room 8.