IN-PERSON WORSHIP: We welcome and encourage in-person participation in our worship services. In the spirit of caring for one another and for the health of our community, see here.
Park View Mennonite Church is more than a building and organization. We are a community of communities seeking to follow Jesus in everyday life. We worship God and study scripture together, we pray, make music, create beauty, care for neighbors, and support one other as we engage God's mission in the world. Learn a little about us by exploring the website menu above. Learn a lot more about us by joining us on our journey. You are welcome here!
Men's Bible Study
Every Tuesday from 7:00-8:00 a.m. (breakfast opens at 6:45 a.m.) Skip Tobin, the Ministry Coach for Virginia Mennonite Missions, will lead us in a one-week session on February 18 entitled "Ambassadors of Reconciliation: Our Responsibility." Sign up for announcement email CALENDAR OF EVENTS
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