A Leadership Vision for Our Times
In an age of polarization and ferment in the world, in our country, and in the church, we place our hope and trust in Jesus Christ, to whom our future belongs. As such, this is who we strive to be at Park View Mennonite Church:
a community of communities engaging in God’s mission,
a diversity of voices discerning the Spirit’s call,
a family of faith bearing with one another in Christ’s love
a diversity of voices discerning the Spirit’s call,
a family of faith bearing with one another in Christ’s love
United in worship and mission, diverse in conviction, joined in covenant,
Park View Mennonite Church is committed to the spiritual practice of hospitality.
We will persist in honest and joyful relationship with one another in spite of differences.
We will bear with and honor each other,
as we all seek to be faithful to God’s purposes in the world.
We believe that to be whole as God’s family,
we need each family member’s gifts and perspectives.
We yield together to the transformative Spirit of God
as we inhabit a broken and fearful world.
We strive in our common life to embody the good news of God’s shalom
as seen in Jesus and revealed in scripture.
Like Jesus, we are called to move toward pain and suffering,
toward the poor and marginalized.
In the face of various cultural pressures and our own discomfort with conflict,
we acknowledge these commitments are difficult to maintain,
but lead us toward Christian wholeness.
We invite all who share these commitments to journey with us
as we seek to follow the way of Jesus, in faith, love, honesty, and humility.
—Adopted by PVMC Pastors, Elders, and Congregational Council, September 2016
Park View Mennonite Church is committed to the spiritual practice of hospitality.
We will persist in honest and joyful relationship with one another in spite of differences.
We will bear with and honor each other,
as we all seek to be faithful to God’s purposes in the world.
We believe that to be whole as God’s family,
we need each family member’s gifts and perspectives.
We yield together to the transformative Spirit of God
as we inhabit a broken and fearful world.
We strive in our common life to embody the good news of God’s shalom
as seen in Jesus and revealed in scripture.
Like Jesus, we are called to move toward pain and suffering,
toward the poor and marginalized.
In the face of various cultural pressures and our own discomfort with conflict,
we acknowledge these commitments are difficult to maintain,
but lead us toward Christian wholeness.
We invite all who share these commitments to journey with us
as we seek to follow the way of Jesus, in faith, love, honesty, and humility.
—Adopted by PVMC Pastors, Elders, and Congregational Council, September 2016
NOTE: In the spirit of the statement above, the pastors and elders of Park View Mennonite Church, in February 2015, wrote an open letter addressing the conflicts over sexuality in the church. We commend that letter to anyone wondering about our leadership approach and priorities at Park View, and commend it to the broader church as one expression of what it means to live faithfully in a time of deep differences. The letter is available here.